Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

We want to thank John Burgoyne again for his huge help - not only making our mortgage process smooth and easy, but also by being a friend. We felt like we could call John at any time of the day and ask questions and often did, even after hours. Even though we had to deal with some difficult issues along the way, John helped us navigate those difficult issues with such a positive professional attitude our fears and stress levels were alleviated. John is a true professional and kept us informed about the status of our loan from beginning to end and gave us piece of mind knowing that John always had our best interests in mind. Thanks again, Jeff and Rhonda (The Alberts Family)

- Rhonda Alberts
Gilbert, AZ | January 13, 2012

I want to thank John Burgoyne for his help for getting me in my new home. He worked with me every step of the way. From the beginning he told me that he would make sure that I got a house and he was right! I have been in my home for a month now and I owe it all to him. Thanks so much John.

- Donald Raymond
Apache Junction, AZ | February 09, 2012

Write a Testimonial

American Pacific Mortgage

JOHN E. BURGOYNE III, Branch Manager
NMLS # 86729/96796
Branch NMLS#1850
AZ Corp BK # 0906702/0114165

1256 W Chandler Blvd., Suite 30
Chandler, AZ 85224

Phone: (480) 883-6633

Thank you for your submission.

One of our experienced professionals will contact you shortly regarding your request.

© 2020 American Pacific Mortgage Corporation. For informational purposes only. No guarantee of accuracy is expressed or implied. Programs shown may not include all options or pricing structures. Rates, terms, programs and underwriting policies subject to change without notice. This is not an offer to extend credit or a commitment to lend. All loans subject to underwriting approval. Some products may not be available in all states and restrictions may apply. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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